St. Augustine Grass Seasonal Maintenance – Spring


Video Notes:

Step 1 – Apply Fertilizer. We recommend something with a 2-0-1 ratio (eg…(16-0-8))

Step 2 – Prevent the onset of Summer weeds by applying Pre-emergent herbicide. You can buy it already mixed in with the fertilizer.

Step 3 – Watch out for fungus…especially Grey-Leaf Spot and Brown Patch. If you have had problems before or have an area with extra shade or moisture, apply a fungicide with an active ingredient. Water 1 inch per week, either from natural rainfall or from inground irrigation. Overwatering can lead to disease of turfgrass.

Step 4 – Hold off applying insecticide to begin Spring. Monitor grass each week. Chinch bugs are the number one St. Augustine enemy, but usually start showing up in Summer through early Fall. If you get chinch bugs, treat with an insecticide that contains Bifenthrin or Carbaryl.

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